Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the requirements for drivers?
Drivers must have a driver's license (class B). The driver must be roadworthy and must not be under the influence of medication or drugs. Furthermore, there is an absolute ban on alcohol for drivers, which is also checked in suspected cases!
How do I register for a race?

The registration is made directly via the homepage by submitting registration form:




After successfully submitting the registration form, your team is registered for the selected race.

What does it cost to participate?

The costs depend on the race and the number of drivers.

On the following page you can calculate the costs for your racing experience:


Calculate costs

Can I register, change or deregister drivers after registration?

Drivers can be changed until the start of the race!


Until the waiver of liability is handed in and the driver wrist bands are received by your team you can change the drivers.


Additional drivers can be registered on site but must then be paid in cash.

Eine Rückerstattung oder Gutschrift nicht erschienener Teams oder Teilnehmer ist jedoch nicht möglich.


waiver of liability

Can I change the vehicle after registration?
The vehicle can be changed until the race. Please send an e-mail with the team name and the subject “vehicle change” with the data of the new vehicle (type, power, year of construction, weight, photo) to
When is the deadline for registration?

The principle of "first come, first served" applies - the earlier the registration, the more likely it is to get a fixed spot.

If you want to be sure to get a place in the grid on your desired date, it is advisable to register as early as possible after the dates have been published.



Where can I find the rules?

The rules are available in the download section of the website.

The document contains organizational and technical regulations for the race.



What are the basic requirements for a vehicle?

Only serial-production vehicles with one driven axle (2WD) are permitted.

All-wheel drive vehicles (4WD), quads, buggies, off-road vehicles, tractors and monster trucks are prohibited.

The vehicle must be in good technical condition. A "pickerl" §57 is not necessary.

All other regulations for the vehicle can be found in the rules.



What do I have to consider during the technical inspection?

The technical inspection takes place before the race at the "Scrutineering" area.

The main points to be checked are:


  • an allen vier Rädern Schmutzfänger
  • stabile, schnell erreichbare und gut sichtbare Abschleppöse vorne und hinten (keine Stoffschlaufen)
  • passende Sicherheitszelle lt. Reglement
  • dem Reglement entsprechende Reifen
  • Zusatzscheinwerfer dürfen nicht auf der Motorhaube oder am Dach montiert sein
  • Feuerlöscher im Auto (min. 2kg ABC oder ähnliches)
  • Feuerlöscher im Teamzelt (6kg ABC oder ähnliches)
  • Sitz mit Kopfstütze & passendem Sicherheitsgurt (mindestens H-Gurt!)
  • funktionierende Lichtanlage (Warnblinker, Bremslicht) & Scheibenwischer
  • Auspuff – montierter Endschalldämpfer
  • Lautstärkemessung bei der Transpondertestrunde
  • Kühler an werkseitiger Position
  • Kontrolle der Fahrzeugdaten vom Teamchef (Baujahr, Gewicht, Leistung)


If the vehicle does not comply with the rules, your team can of course make improvements.

Upon successful technical inspection, the vehicle receives a sticker on the windshield and is approved for the race.


A successfully passed technical inspection only means that the vehicle complies with the rules at the time of the scrutineering. The acceptance of the car or the label issued do not provide any information about driving safety.


Each team is responsible for the safety of their vehicle!

Is electricity available in the paddock?

Yes, there is a power supply for the participants of the race in the paddock.

Please take enough extension cables with you, as the way to the next distribution box can be quite long.

During the last races there were occasional power supply failures. If you have a power unit, it is advisable to take it with you.


How do I find the racetrack?

The Nyirád Racing Center is located northwest of Lake Balaton, about two hours by car from Vienna and Graz. More Information is available on the following page:

Track information Nyirád


The race track of the MSC Höchstädt im Fichtelgebirge  is located in the north of Bavaria near the Czech border. Therefore it offers good accessibility from most of Germany. More information is available at following page:

Track information Höchstädt


The autocross racetrack in Kecel is located in the south of Hungary. More infos here:

Track information Kecel


The Autocross Aréna Dömsöd is located 45 kilometers south of the capital Budapest. Track information can be found on the following page:

Track information Dömsöd

What scores are awarded?

Most driven laps

The team with the most driven laps wins this score.


Performance Score

The team with the highest points calculated by driven laps x factor wins this score.


The multiplication factor will be determined based on the strongest and weakest (performance), oldest and youngest (year of construction) and heaviest and lightest (weight) vehicle determined.

How does timekeeping work?

The lap time is measured with the help of two single-use transponders on the windscreen of the vehicle.

These are issued during the technical inspection and do not have to be returned.

If the windscreen has to be replaced, please contact the race control to get new transponders.

What penalties can be given?

Failure to comply with the rules or unsportsmanlike behavior can result in the following penalties:


  • Warning (30 min time to fix the technical error)
  • Stop-and-Go penalty at the marked spot
  • 5 Laps penalty
  • 10 Laps penalty
  • 20 Laps penalty
  • 50 Laps penalty
  • Exclusion

Reasons are e.g. unsportsmanlike behavior, negligent vehicle repair, driving without exhaust, light adjustment, ...

The penalty will be announced on the live timing page and in most cases communicated personally to the team concerned.

Is an emergency medical service available?

An ambulance is on site during the entire race!

Please take a look on the track map for the exact position (available under Downloads).



What should I do in case of a breakdown or accident?

Turn on the hazard lights and stay in the vehicle until the towing service retrieves the vehicle by using a tow rope, tow bar or a tow dolly.


Get out of the car when it is on fire and leave the danger area as soon as possible in a save way.

What is indicated by yellow flashing lights?


The yellow flashing lights indicate a broken vehicle or another obstacle on the track.


In this case the following rules apply:

  • 30 kph maximal speed
  • no overtaking (also applies to the tow truck)
Where am I allowed to refuel?
Refueling, changing tires and repairing the vehicle is only allowed in your spot in the paddock.
Is there a petrol station?

There is no petrol station at the race track, so take enough fuel with you in cans.

Es ist jedoch auch während des Rennens möglich das Gelände zu verlassen und Nachschub zu holen.



Where can I make a driver change?

Drivers can be changed during the race either in your spot in the paddock or in the designated areas.

You can find more information on these areas in the track map (available under Downloads).



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